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Evaporative air conditioning in the food sector │ MET MANN


Evaporative air conditioning in premises intended for the treatment or storage of perishable foods

Evaporative air conditioning plays a fundamental role in the proper management of premises for the treatment or storage of perishable foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, among others. These sectors play a crucial role in our economy and an efficient HVAC system is essential to ensure your business success. Currently, high temperatures are increasingly persistent, which has generated real challenges for industries dedicated to the processing, storage and sale of perishable foods. Many foods do not tolerate extremely hot environments with low humidity, since this can accelerate the deterioration of their properties and reduce their useful life. To address these problems, MET MANN offers evaporative air conditioning systems that allow the creation of an ideal microclimate inside facilities for the processing, storage or sale of food.

Installation example

In the photographs below, you can see the installation of 10 units of our AD-15-V evaporative cooler in a food cooperative in Lleida. These air conditioners are responsible for providing fresh, humid and filtered air inside the ship.

  • In addition, to guarantee the extraction of hot and stale air from the premises, the installations have been complemented with HELIX BOX MANN ceiling extractors.
  • The diffusion of the treated air has been carried out by means of air diffusers that cover a wide surface, allowing a uniform distribution.
  • The appropriate combination of evaporative cooling and air extraction allows us to achieve temperature drops of up to 10°C, with minimal energy consumption and without the need to use refrigerant gases.

At MET MANN, we are specialists in providing evaporative air conditioning solutions in any type of premises that present heat problems.


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